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How many back and bicep exercises should i do

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How Many Back and Bicep Exercises Should I Do? - A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to strength training, the back and bicep muscles play a crucial role. However, determining the right amount of exercises for these muscle groups can be confusing. In this article, we will provide a brief review of "How many back and bicep exercises should I do?", highlighting its positive aspects and benefits. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced lifter, this guide will help you optimize your workout routine for optimal results.

I. Understanding the Importance of Back and Bicep Exercises:

  1. Strengthening the back muscles helps maintain proper posture and spinal alignment.
  2. Targeting the bicep muscles enhances the overall aesthetics of your arms, providing a balanced physique.

II. Positive Aspects of "How Many Back and Bicep Exercises Should I Do":

  1. Clear and concise guidance: The guide provides straightforward instructions on determining the right number of exercises for your back and biceps.
  2. Customizable approach: It acknowledges the importance of individual goals, allowing you to tailor the exercises based on your specific needs and fitness level.
  3. Emphasizes progressive overload: The guide encourages gradual increases in exercise intensity, promoting muscle growth
At the high end, this would mean four back exercises and two isolated biceps movements in a session. “The back can be trained multiple days a week,” says Rusin. Since its muscles support your posture all day long, they're very durable, and can recover from quite a workload.

How many exercises should I do for my biceps?

When designing a routine, choose three to four different biceps exercises, doing each for three sets of 12 reps. You can also do them as part of a circuit, performing one bicep exercise after the next with no rest. You will generally need to go lighter for this, but will definitely feel the burn.

How many back exercises should I do per workout?

To keep workouts from getting too long, or too overly fatiguing, you could do 1-2 exercises per major muscle group (quads, hamstrings, chest, back, shoulders) per workout (2-10 different exercises per muscle group per program).

Is it good to workout back and biceps together?

Combining your back and arm workout is a smart and effective way to train, and any pull movement will hit both. "It's a time saver," says Voell. "If you are trying to tackle multiple muscle groups in one workout, that's going to help you do so by combining the two. Then you can actually build out some rest days."

Is 4 exercises enough for biceps?

It's generally recommended to perform 2-4 exercises targeting biceps and triceps in a single workout. However, the number of exercises you should do depends on various factors such as your fitness level, intensity of the exercises, and overall workout volume.

What should I workout after back and biceps?

You can definitely train chest and shoulder muscles after back and bicep day. The simple reason is that on back and bicep day you have used the flexor muscles (involved in pulling) and on chest and shoulder or triceps day you would be using the extensor muscles (involved in pushing).

Is it OK to train biceps after back?

You can train the back and biceps on the same day, and there are several benefits to doing so. I recommend doing at least two movements per muscle group per workout and doing your back exercises first. If possible, I also recommend training the back and biceps at least twice a week.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I do chest day after back day?

You should try and train my favorite body part between back and chest first in my split, which is CHEST, then the second day I will train the opposite muscle, which is the BACK.

How do you structure a back and biceps workout?

Beginner Back and Biceps Workout (Option A)
  1. Straight-Arm Pulldown (Prime) Sets: 3 Reps: 15–20.
  2. One-Arm Dumbbell Row (Perform) Sets: 3 Reps: 8–10 (each side)
  3. Lat Pulldown (Pump) Sets: 2 Reps: 20.
  4. Dumbbell Hammer Curl (Prime/Pump) Sets: 3 Reps: 12–15 (each side)
  5. Preacher Curl (Pump) Sets: 1 Reps: 25–30.

Is it best to do back and biceps together?

Training your back and biceps muscles together makes complete sense from a synergistic point of view – In other words, these muscles help one another to function. You should train muscles together that complement one another, but that doesn't mean you need to follow a Bro Split.

How long should a bicep workout be?

Yes, your biceps workout can easily take upwards of 40 minutes as you do rep after rep to pump your guns full of blood. But, done correctly, you can also blast your biceps in 20 minutes. They're a small muscle group, and if you focus on your reps correctly, you can get plenty of mileage from a shorter workout.

Is a 20 minute arm workout enough?

Yes! A 20-minute upper body workout is enough as long as your routine remains consistent. Working the major muscle group in your upper body for 20 minutes at least twice a week can improve your strength and tone muscles.

Is 3 exercises enough for biceps?

If you are doing a dumbbell arm workout at an advanced level, especially for an experienced lifter, doing 3-4 different bicep exercises should be adequate for muscle growth. You will likely want to experiment with different curl variations and incorporate intensity techniques for an advanced workout.

How many exercises should you do on a back and bicep day?

So, in a back and bicep workout, you'd want to do 4-5 back exercises + 4-5 bicep exercises, totalling 8-10. 'There are many muscles in your back, so it's important to train them,' continues Thornton. 'Some connect your limbs to your torso; others connect vertebrae.


Is 4 bicep exercises too much?
It's generally recommended to perform 2-4 exercises targeting biceps and triceps in a single workout. However, the number of exercises you should do depends on various factors such as your fitness level, intensity of the exercises, and overall workout volume.
Is it good to train back and biceps together?
Combining your back and arm workout is a smart and effective way to train, and any pull movement will hit both. "It's a time saver," says Voell. "If you are trying to tackle multiple muscle groups in one workout, that's going to help you do so by combining the two. Then you can actually build out some rest days."
How many exercises are enough for biceps?
Is it enough to do two biceps exercises per week? It may be enough in the beginning but it is best to perform at least three exercises per week that vary in movements. For example, a mixed set of standing curls, incline curls, and preacher curls will be more beneficial.
Is back shoulders and biceps a good workout?
Yes, it is common to pair back and bicep exercises together in a workout because they work together synergistically. Many back exercises, like Dumbbell Rows or Pull-Ups, also engage the biceps. Therefore, by training them together using upper body movements, you can maximize the efficiency of your workout.
Can I train abs with biceps?
But doing a 10-minute arms and abs workout can be a smart choice on days when you're super strapped for time. In fact, the combo of arms and abs can make for an especially efficient routine. That's because the split focus on separate muscle groups means one can be working while the other is resting.
How do you structure a back and bicep day?
Beginner Back and Biceps Workout (Option A)
  1. Straight-Arm Pulldown (Prime) Sets: 3 Reps: 15–20.
  2. One-Arm Dumbbell Row (Perform) Sets: 3 Reps: 8–10 (each side)
  3. Lat Pulldown (Pump) Sets: 2 Reps: 20.
  4. Dumbbell Hammer Curl (Prime/Pump) Sets: 3 Reps: 12–15 (each side)
  5. Preacher Curl (Pump) Sets: 1 Reps: 25–30.

How many back and bicep exercises should i do

What is the best workout split? The push/pull/legs split is probably the most efficient workout split there is because all related muscle groups are trained together in the same workout. This means that you get the maximum overlap of movements within the same workout, and the muscle groups being trained get an overall benefit from this overlap.
What do you workout with BIS? The most common muscles to pair your biceps with are your triceps and abdominals. Working opposite and nonrelated muscles together enables you to rest one muscle while you train the other. This means you can work your biceps maximally because they are not pre-exhausted from workouts of your triceps or abdominals.
Why do people do back and bis? Yes, it is common to pair back and bicep exercises together in a workout because they work together synergistically. Many back exercises, like Dumbbell Rows or Pull-Ups, also engage the biceps. Therefore, by training them together using upper body movements, you can maximize the efficiency of your workout.
How many exercises should I do for back and bis? Rusin recommends anywhere from four to six exercises total for back and biceps in a given workout, using roughly a two-to-one ratio of back to biceps exercises. At the high end, this would mean four back exercises and two isolated biceps movements in a session.
Is it better to do back and bis or back and shoulders? Both are effective. I have implemented both biceps and back, shoulder and back into my training regimen and both worked equally well. For exercise check google. The point to note is keep more exercises for back muscles(as it is big muscle) and less for shoulder or biceps.
What does BIS mean in gym? So what buys buys a shot for biceps which are muscle in the upper. Arm. Three great ways to work your biceps.
  • How do you hit your back and biceps?
    • Beginner Back and Biceps Workout (Option A)
      1. Straight-Arm Pulldown (Prime) Sets: 3 Reps: 15–20.
      2. One-Arm Dumbbell Row (Perform) Sets: 3 Reps: 8–10 (each side)
      3. Lat Pulldown (Pump) Sets: 2 Reps: 20.
      4. Dumbbell Hammer Curl (Prime/Pump) Sets: 3 Reps: 12–15 (each side)
      5. Preacher Curl (Pump) Sets: 1 Reps: 25–30.
  • What is the best split for back and biceps?
    • One of the most popular bodybuilding splits is the Push/Pull/Legs (PPL) split, in which your train the back and biceps on the second day. The PPL split is a versatile way to integrate optimal training volume and training frequency for muscle growth. Many bodybuilders of all levels use the Push/Pull/Legs split.
  • How many exercises for back and biceps?
    • If you're more advanced, Samuel says that you can build out a routine that's composed of six or seven exercises total: three to four moves targeting the back muscles, two hitting the biceps, and one finishing move if you're feeling spicy.
  • What are good back and bicep workouts?
      • Pull-up. Pull-ups are one of the best back exercises, and it's a great way to warm up all of the muscles on your back.
      • Bent-Over Barbell Row.
      • Straight Arm Lat Pull-Down.
      • Seated Cable Row, Neutral Grip.
      • Preacher Curl.
      • Alternating Dumbbell Curl.
  • What muscle groups go together?
    • There's no right or wrong answer when deciding the best muscle group combinations to work out together. Some popular combinations include chest and back, arms and shoulders, and glutes and abdominals. But really, you can pair whatever suits you, as long as it makes sense.
  • What is the number 1 best bicep exercise?
    • 10 Best Biceps Exercises
      • Barbell or EZ-Bar Curl.
      • Cable Curl.
      • Dumbbell Curl.
      • Chin-Up.
      • Reverse-Grip Barbell Row.
      • Hammer Curl.
      • Incline Curl.
      • Concentration Curl.