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How to intermittent fast if you workout in the morning

How to Intermittent Fast If You Workout in the Morning

Intermittent fasting has gained popularity as an effective method for weight loss and overall health improvement. Many individuals, however, find it challenging to incorporate intermittent fasting into their morning workout routine. This guide aims to address this concern and provide valuable information on how to successfully intermittent fast while working out in the morning.

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting:

  1. Weight Loss: Intermittent fasting promotes fat burning and helps reduce body weight.
  2. Increased Energy Levels: By optimizing insulin sensitivity, intermittent fasting can enhance energy levels throughout the day.
  3. Improved Focus and Mental Clarity: Intermittent fasting has been linked to improved brain function and cognitive performance.
  4. Enhanced Metabolic Health: Intermittent fasting can improve blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation, and lower the risk of chronic diseases.
  5. Simplified Meal Planning: With a specific eating window, you can simplify your meal planning and reduce calorie intake.

Steps to Intermittent Fast While Working Out in the Morning:

  1. Choose the Right Intermittent Fasting Method:

    • 16:8 Method: Fast for 16 hours and restrict your eating window to 8 hours.
Not only is it OK to exercise on an empty stomach, but it also increases the benefits of both exercise and fasting. Why? Because the key to maximizing fat loss and muscle gain is not just about calories and exercise, but also hormone optimization.

Is intermittent fasting OK when working out?

Yes, you can continue working out while fasting. But take it easy. Fasted workouts have their benefits. Working out on an empty stomach could help you lose weight because your body will rely on stored fuel, in the form of glycogen and fat 2 —rather than burning your most-recent meal.

Is it OK to workout on an empty stomach in the morning?

The final verdict? Exercising in a fasted state may burn some quick body fat, but it's not the best option for your body in the long-run. Eat a small snack or meal before and after your workout to ensure that you're properly fueled to perform your best in the gym and recover quickly when you get home.

Is it better to workout fasted in the morning?

Ultimately it's personal preference — there's no one best routine for everyone, and training "fasted" doesn't speed up fat loss. If you decide to eat before working out, registered dietitian Shana Spence recommends you aim to eat some protein and carbs, and give yourself time to digest.

What is the best workout routine for intermittent fasting?

If you're doing a 24-hour intermittent fast, Lippin says you should stick to low-intensity workouts such as:
  • Walking.
  • Restorative yoga.
  • Gentle Pilates.

How to do intermittent fasting if you work out?

Bonaci suggests sandwiching your workout into your meals if you're limiting calories. Meaning, eat one third of your meal before the gym, and the other two thirds of the meal afterwards. That way, you get some in before to power the workout, and the rest after to recover.

Should I do my morning workout fasted?

The type of activity you're doing can help determine whether you should eat before your workout. For light or low-impact exercises, such as walking, golfing, or gentle yoga, you may not need to fuel up beforehand. However, you should always eat before exercise that requires a lot of strength, energy, and endurance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I lose weight if I do intermittent fasting and exercise?

Put simply, when people practice intermittent fasting without exercising, they are losing weight, but much of it often comes from the muscle in the lean mass. If they are exercising, then that shifts from a loss of muscle mass to a loss fat mass, so that's a large benefit.

Can you train on an empty stomach while intermittent fasting?

The advice to train in a fasted state is a strategy to increase fat burning, with the hope of using some stored fat. For those who practice intermittent fasting, training on an empty stomach can be more convenient because you may have more time available in your schedule during your fasting period.

Can I intermittent fast if I workout in the morning?

The best time to work out while in a fasted state is upon waking or shortly after. Studies show that both exercising and eating too close to bedtime can negatively impact levels of deep and REM sleep, so it's best to save your workout for the following day.

What is the best intermittent fasting window to lose belly fat?

While each window or type of restriction has its pros and cons, some general scientific reports show that the 16:8 and 14:10 methods are best when it comes to losing belly fat. This means you should limit your calorie consumption over 12-14 hours (with 8-10 hours reserved for consuming meals).

Should you exercise on an empty stomach in the morning?

That depends. It's often recommended that you work out first thing in the morning before eating breakfast, in what's known as a fasted state. This is believed to help with weight loss. However, working out after eating may give you more energy and improve your performance.

Will I lose muscle IF I workout on an empty stomach?

The truth is that exercising in a fasted state will indeed help you burn fat calories faster. You may see the number on the scale decrease. However, exercising on an empty stomach will also cause you to lose lean muscle mass at the same time, which can hinder long-term weight loss.

How to do intermittent fasting if I workout in the morning?

Variations of Fasting
  1. The 16/8 or 14/10 Method. 16/8 - eating times from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.
  2. The 5:2 Method. The 5:2 Fasting Method is a great one for weight loss, and it works extremely well if you're a morning workout enthusiast.
  3. Alternate day fasting.
  4. The 24-Hour Fast.


Can I exercise while doing intermittent fasting?
Yes, you can continue working out while fasting. But take it easy. Fasted workouts have their benefits. Working out on an empty stomach could help you lose weight because your body will rely on stored fuel, in the form of glycogen and fat 2 —rather than burning your most-recent meal.
How do I schedule intermittent fasting and exercise?
Try this schedule to get the most from fasting and working out
  1. Monday: a.m. cardio followed by a protein-rich breakfast.
  2. Tuesday: lunch with complex carbs, p.m. strength training followed by dinner.
  3. Wednesday: yoga, barre, Pilates, or other low-intensity workout.
  4. Thursday: a.m. cardio followed by a protein-rich breakfast.
Should I intermittent fast if I workout in the morning?
Yes, it is OK to work out while fasting because the key to weight loss and muscle gain is not just calories and exercise, but hormone optimization. Studies demonstrate amazing benefits to intermittent fasting alone, but combining fasting with sprint training takes the benefits of each to a whole new level.
Should you intermittent fast IF you workout everyday?
Yes, you can continue working out while fasting. But take it easy. Fasted workouts have their benefits. Working out on an empty stomach could help you lose weight because your body will rely on stored fuel, in the form of glycogen and fat 2 —rather than burning your most-recent meal.
Should I do intermittent fasting if I workout in the morning?
The best time to incorporate exercise while fasting is early in the day, to match the body's natural circadian rhythm; Unless you're participating in a heavy weight session or endurance cardio, you can benefit hormonally from fasting after your workout, too (for two to three hours).
Do you lose weight faster working out in the morning?
People who got their exercise in between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. had lower BMIs than those who opted to exercise later in the day.

How to intermittent fast if you workout in the morning

Does fasting in the morning burn more fat? If your goal is to boost your metabolism and lose weight, studies show that whether you eat or skip breakfast has no bearing on the number of calories burned. Your best bet, says Senn, is to turn your energy toward building muscle mass since muscle burns more calories than fat.
Can you workout in the morning with intermittent fasting? The best time to work out while intermittent fasting is usually upon waking, or shortly after, to support the body's natural circadian rhythm. Studies show that working out (or eating) too close to bedtime can interrupt levels of deep and REM sleep, so better save exercise for the following day.
Should I eat or fast after morning workout? While the importance of eating before a workout may vary based on the situation, most scientists agree that it's beneficial to eat after exercise. Research shows that some nutrients, particularly protein and carbs, can help your body recover and adapt after exercise.
What is the best exercise while fasting? So while fasted high-intensity weight lifting may have negative results, low-intensity cardio—which runs primarily on fat—before breaking your fast is A-Okay. The best intermittent fasting workouts for cardio include walking, jogging, yoga, cycling, and gentle Pilates.
Do you burn more fat if you exercise while fasting? Fasted exercise means exercising after not eating for around 10-14 hours, which forces the body to rely more on fat for fuel. Research suggests fasted exercise increases fat burning during the workout but does not lead to greater fat loss overall.
What stage of fasting is best to exercise? Working out during your feeding window or the first half of your fasting window is probably a good idea. If your feeding window is short, and you cram a lot of eating into a few hours, waiting until it's over might be the best option. Exercising with a full stomach can be unpleasant.
  • What exercises burn fat while fasting?
    • 1. Try it: Fasted cardio could help you burn more fat. Hitting the treadmill or upright bike for a cardio session before eating is popular in weight loss and fitness circles. The possibility of burning more fat is often the main motivator.
  • Should I eat before or after workout during intermittent fasting?
    • It's vital that you eat before you workout so that you can get the most out of your lift, but depending on your build, it might be good to ensure a little something afterwards.
  • When should you eat IF you workout in the morning?
    • Eat a healthy breakfast If you exercise in the morning, get up early enough to finish breakfast at least one hour before your workout. Be well fueled going into a workout.
  • Should I eat before working out in the morning?
    • After a long night of sleep, your blood sugar levels are lower than when you've recently eaten. This might make you feel sluggish and tired during your workout. Therefore, a small snack before a morning workout may help increase your blood sugar levels and give you energy to perform your best ( 1 , 2 ).
  • How to do intermittent fasting IF you work out?
    • Bonaci suggests sandwiching your workout into your meals if you're limiting calories. Meaning, eat one third of your meal before the gym, and the other two thirds of the meal afterwards. That way, you get some in before to power the workout, and the rest after to recover.
  • How do you fast IF you lift weights in the morning?
    • Weight-Lifting + Intermittent Fasting: Lifting weights while fasting is okay, but it is not ideal. Heavy lifting puts a lot of stress on the body which requires fuel. If you lift weights while fasting, we recommend that you eat immediately after your training session.