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What are oblique exercises

What Are Oblique Exercises: The Ultimate Guide to Strengthening Your Core

If you're looking to enhance your core strength and sculpt those abdominal muscles, then understanding and incorporating oblique exercises into your fitness routine is essential. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the benefits of oblique exercises, provide a list of exercises you can try, and discuss the conditions for which these exercises are suitable.

I. Benefits of Oblique Exercises:

  1. Strengthening the Core:

    • Oblique exercises specifically target the muscles surrounding your waistline, helping to build a strong and stable core.
    • Strengthening your core improves your posture, balance, and overall athletic performance.
  2. Toned and Defined Waistline:

    • Regularly performing oblique exercises can help tighten and tone the sides of your waist, giving you a more sculpted appearance.
    • Well-developed oblique muscles contribute to an aesthetically pleasing hourglass figure.
  3. Improved Functional Movements:

    • Engaging your oblique muscles enhances your ability to perform everyday activities, such as lifting, twisting, and rotating.
    • Strong obliques help prevent injuries by providing better support and stability during movement.
  4. Enhanced Athletic Performance:

    • Oblique
Hey there, fitness enthusiasts in the US! Are you looking to spice up your workout routine and give those obliques some extra love? Look no further because we've got the inside scoop on some fantastic oblique exercises that will have you feeling strong, toned, and ready to conquer the world (or at least your next workout)! 1. The Russian Twist: This exercise is as fun as it sounds, and it's great for targeting those obliques. Sit on the floor with your knees bent, lean back slightly, and lift your feet off the ground. Hold your hands together or grab a dumbbell if you're feeling fancy. Now, twist your torso from side to side, tapping the ground with your hands on each side. Feel those obliques fire up as you twist away! 2. Side Plank Hip Dips: Planks are fantastic for strengthening your core, and this variation specifically targets your obliques. Start by getting into a side plank position, with one forearm on the ground and your legs extended, forming a straight line. Now, lower your hip towards the ground and then lift it back up. Repeat on both sides and enjoy the burn! 3. Bicycle Crunches: Who needs a bicycle when you can get your obli

What exercise hits the obliques?

That means moves like side planks and windmills will challenge your oblique muscles, as will any exercises that have you holding a load off-center while still trying to keep your hips and shoulders square.

How do you target your obliques?

You can engage your obliques with any movement that involves internally or externally rotating around the centerline of your body, Savage explains—for example, in exercises like the Russian twist, single-leg jackknife, and row your boat.

What exercise most effectively trains the obliques?

Best Exercises to Strengthen Your Oblique Muscles
  1. Cable Woodchop. Courtesy Image.
  2. Hanging Knee Raise Oblique Crunch. Courtesy Image.
  3. High-Pulley Oblique Cable Crunch. Courtesy Image.
  4. Kneeling Med Ball Partner Twist. Courtesy Image.
  5. Lying Leg Oblique Throw Down. Courtest Image.
  6. Bicycle Crunch. Courtesy Image.
  7. Russian Twist.

Do oblique workouts slim your waist?

Working out the abdominal and oblique muscles can help strengthen and tone your midsection, but it won't necessarily result in a smaller waist. To achieve a smaller waist, you'll want to focus on losing overall body fat through a combination of cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and a healthy diet.

Do obliques give you abs?

But if there's one part of your core that could probably use a little more attention, it's your obliques (aka your side abs). The obliques aid in breathing, rotating/bending your torso and creating intra-abdominal pressure while you hold your breath.

How can I get obliques fast?

Oblique side bends
  1. Stand straight and hold a dumbbell in one hand at your side.
  2. Bracing your core, bend sideways at the waist, allowing the dumbbell to drop down toward the floor.
  3. Using your oblique, pull yourself back to start, repeating for the desired number of reps.
  4. Repeat on the other side.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you get the V cut?

To get V-cut abs, hit your lower core with 10-20 reps of leg lifts, hanging leg raises and reverse crunches every day. Mix in overall core exercises like side crunches and planks, as well as strength moves like bridges and lunges to balance out your overall look.

Should you train obliques with weights?

Your unweighted side crunches are a fine move to create some engagement with your obliques but if you always train them that way, then chances are they stopped responding long ago. The addition of some weight will help you reinvigorate these muscles.

What muscle should I pair with abs?

Glutes and Abdominals. When it comes to the glutes and abdominal muscles, you can work these two body parts simultaneously (e.g. supersetting them) to save time and get more volume. After you've finished a glutes exercise, you can let them rest while you're doing an abs exercise, and vice versa.

What is the most effective oblique exercises?

Best Exercises to Strengthen Your Oblique Muscles
  1. Cable Woodchop. Courtesy Image.
  2. Hanging Knee Raise Oblique Crunch. Courtesy Image.
  3. High-Pulley Oblique Cable Crunch. Courtesy Image.
  4. Kneeling Med Ball Partner Twist. Courtesy Image.
  5. Lying Leg Oblique Throw Down. Courtest Image.
  6. Bicycle Crunch. Courtesy Image.
  7. Russian Twist.

Are obliques love handles?

Exercising your core muscles in the summer does mean is that you might see quicker results with the same consistency in diet and workouts. And it's a great time to work on your oblique muscles, which are more often than not covered by a layer of fat, or love handles, as they're more commonly known.

Do oblique exercises widen your waist?

Train with oblique workouts for definition! Trust me, you should ignore anyone who tells you not to work your obliques because it will make your waist look wider. As you work to get rid of body fat, developing your obliques will make your waist look incredible.


What is oblique workout?
You can engage your obliques with any movement that involves internally or externally rotating around the centerline of your body, Savage explains—for example, in exercises like the Russian twist, single-leg jackknife, and row your boat.
What does oblique muscles work?
Besides twisting the trunk of the body, the external oblique muscles are also responsible for movement of the spine, including: Pulling the spine forward as the external oblique contracts (like in crunches or sit-ups) Stabilizing the core. Moving the spine in any direction.
What exercise targets the obliques?
You can engage your obliques with any movement that involves internally or externally rotating around the centerline of your body, Savage explains—for example, in exercises like the Russian twist, single-leg jackknife, and row your boat.
How do you train your oblique muscles?
Oblique side bends
  1. Stand straight and hold a dumbbell in one hand at your side.
  2. Bracing your core, bend sideways at the waist, allowing the dumbbell to drop down toward the floor.
  3. Using your oblique, pull yourself back to start, repeating for the desired number of reps.
  4. Repeat on the other side.
What is the best way to activate obliques?
Down you're gonna feel those muscles going crazy. And then hit it on the other side. It's. So important to activate your obliques. Because they will help stabilize your core. So try this one move.
What do oblique exercises do?
Including exercises that target your obliques in your workouts is majorly important for healthy movement and function, too—since you use the muscles for bending, rotation, and spine stabilization, strong, healthy obliques are important for both athletic performance and everyday activities.

What are oblique exercises

What are the oblique muscles? The obliques are the muscles that are known as the waist muscles. The oblique muscles connect the ribs, top of the hip bone, fascia of the abdominals and lower back. Oblique muscles control bending physical activities such as bending over, twisting the torso, side bending and they also assist with breathing.
What exercise strengthens the obliques? Oblique Crunch 1: Lie on your back with your knees bent, and perform a crunch by sitting-up and reaching for the outside part of your knee. You should make sure your shoulder blades just lift off the floor. This exercise helps to strengthen the abdominal and oblique muscles. Repeat ten times each side, for three sets.
What happens if you don't train obliques? Your obliques are attached to your spine. If those muscles aren't engaged, the curvature of your spine will deepen, creating pressure on your vertebrae, discs, and other neighboring muscles. If you have chronic lower-back pain, it may be due to underdeveloped obliques and weak core strength.
How do you target oblique abs? Oblique crunch Roll onto your left hip at a 45-degree angle, bracing yourself on your left forearm. Lift your feet and knees off the ground, and put your right hand behind your head. Crunch up, bringing your lower body and upper body to meet. Release back to start and repeat for the desired number of reps.
Do all ab exercises work obliques? Some ab workouts may overlook oblique exercises, but it's important to include them in a well-rounded core workout routine to ensure balanced strength and stability in the abdominal region. Exercises such as side planks, Russian twists, and bicycle crunches are effective for targeting the obliques.
Do crunches target obliques? Like situps, crunches help you build muscle. But unlike situps, they work only the abdominal muscles. This intense muscle isolation makes them a popular exercise for people trying to get six-pack abs. This also makes them ideal for strengthening your core, which includes your lower back muscles and obliques.
  • How do you train obliques?
    • Start standing with your feet hip-width apart, letting arms hang by your sides. Bend your upper body sideways toward the right, creasing at the waist. Pause and then return to standing while squeezing your left side obliques. Repeat on the left side, being sure to keep the weight close to your body as you bend.
  • What are good workout for obliques
    • Dec 1, 2023 — Best Exercises to Strengthen Your Oblique Muscles · 1. Cable Woodchop · 2. Hanging Knee Raise Oblique Crunch · 3. High-Pulley Oblique Cable 
  • How do you target your lower obliques?
      1. Side Plank. Lie on your left side with your right leg stacked on top of your left leg, and your left forearm on the ground with your elbow underneath your shoulder.
      2. Standing Trunk Rotation.
      3. Standing Wood Chop.
      4. Russian Twist.
      5. Mountain Climbers.
      6. Side Bend.
      7. Dead Bug.
      8. Extended Side Angle Pose.
  • How do I train my obliques to make my waist smaller?
    • Bring. Your hands out to the side. Now have your head in line with your shoulders. It's in line with your hips. That's all the way in line with your heels.
  • How can I train my obliques at home?
    • Oblique side bends
      1. Stand straight and hold a dumbbell in one hand at your side.
      2. Bracing your core, bend sideways at the waist, allowing the dumbbell to drop down toward the floor.
      3. Using your oblique, pull yourself back to start, repeating for the desired number of reps.
      4. Repeat on the other side.
  • What exercises are used for the oblique muscles?
    • Jul 13, 2023 — The 20 Best Exercises to Sculpt Your Obliques · Side Plank · Copenhagen Side Plank · Star Plank · Plank Rotation · Copenhagen Plank · Copenhagen Plank